Black Girls WILL Get Love, Inc.

The developing non-profit arm of Black Girls Don’t Get Love, LLC which will produce the brand’s philanthropic initiatives such as the Black Girls Don’t Get Love Prom, Slumber Party, Outdoor Exploration, and Film Training Program. We are currently in the process of securing 501c3 non-profit status and expect to achieve this in the coming months.

Black Girls Don’t Get Love was born out of a lot of painful experiences.

My entire childhood I believed I was ugly. Not because I actually was, but because that’s what society led me to believe. And those ideas were reinforced every day in my grade school. My classmates never ceased to remind me that I was different. My self esteem was constantly being run over by a semi truck. Day after day, year after year, this was my experience.

While this happened well over ten years ago, I remember these moments vividly because they
defined my childhood.

In college, like many others, I found my voice. I learned about the greats like Audrey Lorde, Bell Hooks and Patricia Hill Collins, who so powerfully articulated the trauma that society could inflict on the fragile self esteem of a young Black girl growing up in America. These works empowered me. They taught me to turn silence into language, because
silence would not protect me (Lorde).

Black Girls Don’t Get Love is my effort to turn silence into language.



Turning Silence Into Language


Poem by Ashanti Shakespeare

  • Nicole Bethany

    Recently, I got second-degree burns from an accident. This was the most excruciating pain I had ever felt in my life, and I was devastated. I was also SO worried about how my skin would look — especially since I spent most of my childhood worrying about that. I was concerned my melanin wouldn't come back, but now, two months later, as my wounds have started to heal, I’ve noticed that my melanin, which was once just raw pink, is crawling its way back ever so delicately onto my skin. Reflecting on this, one day I thought: wow, God must have  intentionally created me to have this particular hue of melanin! It was burned off, but it knows to come back, as if it never left. And it’s literally because the Lord decided to make me like this. So no matter how many times they try to burn us in the fire, with their words or actions, one thing will remain: You can burn me as much as you want, but God made my melanin resilient, beautiful, and unique; a masterpiece. So in other words, my BLACK isn’t going anywhere.

  • Brianna Paige

    As a woman of color who is mixed (Hispanic and Black), I have seen first-hand how separated society is by race, ethnicity, religion, and skin color. Being a part of Black Girls Don’t Get Love has helped me to realize that even as strangers, we have the power to foster unity, acceptance, and recognition, regardless of identity or how society perceives us. With Black Girls Don’t Get Love, together, we’re creating community, and I believe that is the first step to making a change. #blackgirlswillgetlove